Print and display your wedding photos!

March 5, 2017 - 2 minutes read
Print Wedding Photos Westminster 21158

Print Wedding Photos Westminster 21158

Please! If you do anything, go to print with your wedding photos! I made this photo at a wedding located at Union Mills Homestead in Westminster, MD 21158. It’s a beautiful photo! It has feel, composition is interesting, colors, love, WEDDING DAY, and memories for a lifetime. Well, unless it stays on a thumb drive to never be seen again. You hired a professional photographer, hopefully, to cover your special day, once in a lifetime! Shouldn’t it be displayed so 10 years or even 20 years from now you can recall the day, and why you got married?

Print is easy when it is in the process. I shoot for print! Why the heck not? Is Facebook gonna be around forever? Who knows, it could be, but why risk it. It’s a way to give to your future generations. A moment in time, a beautiful memory, a story, and more.

Professional photographers offer print. It’s because we see the long game. We want you to be happy. We want you to have loving memories. You paid for us to document your wedding day! Not going to print is not taking the entire value of your photographer. Ok, I’m passionate about print, and I love to see my work on display in print. But this is not about me. This is about you! Love your photos and share them with your friends and family. It is part of your life.

Prints are expensive: I ask compared to what? They really are very affordable. You don’t have to print every single photo and display it. You can get a basic album and load it up with all the photos. I do recommend taking the ones that move you to a single print, and don’t go smaller than 8 x 10. At the end of the day, out of sight out of mind, and chances are the thumb drive will get lost.

I offer several options for print so they will look beautiful in your home. Any photographer worth their salt will have a print option and a damn good one!