Traveling Tie-Dye: Nimble fingers and amazing tapestries

June 10, 2018 - 1 minute read

Where to begin? This is John and Nicole; a husband and wife traveling kaleidoscope of tie-dye goods; ranging from t-shirts, tapestries, bags, hats and more. Those that know John call him “Schroeder”; I call him “Yertle” we’ll save that story for another day. These two are married. I’m thinking Nicole lost a bet or something, or Schroeder said something really good that got her to say yes. Nonetheless, these two are a perfect fit; Schroeder with his nimble fingers and creative eye for the art of tie-dye and Nicole for her business mind and taming the creative when needed. The colors and wizardry of their work can easily be seen in this portrait I made of them today at the Country Flea Market/Festival hosted by Live Hope Laugh Alexis Ross Org. You can learn more about their adventures and shows by visiting their Facebook page Schroeder’s Wears & Wares. Besides, who doesn’t need some groovy tie-dye or a love tapestry for their bedroom?

Making friends at the Country Flea Market/Festival.